Parent Page: Provider Directory id: -1 Active Page: Provider Directoryid:31151


Provider Directory

Disclaimer: The Oklahoma Autism Network maintains these provider lists as a service to families. We do not endorse or claim to have personal knowledge of the abilities of those listed. We urge you to make independent judgment when selecting a professional. You may consider visiting our pages on Research and Best Practices and Interventions and Therapies. If you need assistance finding a provider, contact the Oklahoma Autism Network by email or phone 405-271-7476 or 1-877-2AUTISM.

Please click here if you need assistance using the Provider Directory.

Do you provide professional services or supports to individuals with autism or their families?  Would you like to be listed on the Oklahoma Autism Network Provider Directory?  Please complete this form to apply.  If your business is on the Provider Directory already and you need to update your information, please complete this same form.

Mid-Del Group Home, Inc

Provide residential and vocational services to individuals with intellectual disabilities.

Multiple locations: 

  • Residential Home 1540 Republic Circle, Midwest City, OK 73130,
  • Workshop and Offices 620 Hedge Drive, Midwest City, OK 73130,
  • Residential Home 608 N Midwest Blvd, Midwest City, OK 73130,
  • Residential Home 711 Small Oaks, Midwest City, OK 73130,
  • Residential Home 314 N King Ave, Midwest City, OK 73130,

Ages Served:

  • Adults

Phone Number:



Web Address:



see addresses above
Midwest City, OK 73130