Parent Page: Navigating Autism id: 31206 Active Page: Collegeid:31217


Many individuals and parents are faced with searching for options as they or their children age out of the school system. If you are an autistic individual or the parent/guardian of an individual with autism, there are post-secondary education options available in Oklahoma. Some offer a full 4 -year college degree-seeking program with additional support to enhance success, while others offer a certificate program where students focus on independent living and social skills. 

If you or your child received special education services through an IEP (Individualized Education Plan), those services will end at graduation from high school and will not continue in the post-secondary education program.  However, there are resources and accommodations that may still be available to you.  Contacting the disability services office at the college or university will assist you in learning what support you or your child can request while completing these next steps in the education process. 

The Oklahoma Inclusive Post-Secondary Education Alliance or "OKIPSE Alliance" is dedicated to ensuring that Oklahoma students with intellectual and developmental disabilities have the opportunity to achieve higher education and participate fully in campus life.  Navigate to their website to find current Oklahoma higher education programs and resources.    

Autism Speaks also has a toolkit to help guide your preparation for college.